Thursday, December 23, 2004

Rush..rush..but,for wat?!!

Woke up really early this morning (well,earlier than usual).Prepared my stuff for d day since Im back to taking the bus to lrt.."Pak Min" smiled at me when I board the bus.Was it a smile or maybe he was smirking to see that Im back at his mercy for THE ride to my office..Whatever-laa,I dont care.Anim took the same bus as me..Yay!!Ade kwn nak borak dlm train.I quickly grabbed Anim when I got down the bus.Tiba2 Babed plak call..Wat a busy morning.

Babed: "Camne nakgi Chow Kit?"
Me : "Buat ape kau nakgi Chow Kit?!!"
Babed: "Nak beli fresh flowers murah.Kat Chow Kit-laa,kan?"
Me : "Duh,kau dah lama sgt duk UK.Kat PS-laa murah.One bundle camtuh less than $10 je"
Babed: "Ye ke?"

God,my own best buddy,questioning my judgement?!!ahaha..Eventually I got off the phone wif Babed's usual line .."Aku malas nak cakap ngan kau-laa"..Whatever-laa bird..So,I quickly chatted off with Anim.All the way to KLCC.Then Anim went her way to Central and me to Tower 2..

Hari2 pun kena ambik pass.Bila-laa tower pass nih nak siap?Lembab betul org KLCC Urusharta nih (too bad if anyone reading dis is working wif KLCC).Wen thru the bar scanner thingy,up the escalator and thru the metal detecter thingy.1st lift was crowded wif people.I dashed to the right lift lobby at Level 42 to a direct lift to Level 61..Sampai awal hari nih..So proud of myself :-D..

Work,work,work,chat,work, TIME!!Today our dept are gonna haf lunch at Madam Kwan's.God!!Bestnya makan.But the sad part is that it will definitely ruin my diet.So sad.Maybe I'll juz get the salad or something.Much thanx to Aaron for making the dept lunch successful.YOU'RE THE BEST!!hehehe..

When I got there,I declared that I was on diet and cant eat much.Instead of encoragement Sheila asked me to go and buy fruits from Cold Storage..sob sob..hehehe..So,ok-laa,I had Nasi Bajorai (or something like dat-laa) and sago pudding.So much for my diet..It was a huge but delicious dish/meal or whatever.I had to restrain myself from polishing everything off the plate (like I used to do).Instead,I had small bites of rice,bits of the chicken n a piece of the beef rendang.Rugi2..Then came the dessert.Everyone else had cendol except urs truly.I really like the sago pudding there.Dat was the one dish dat I really enjoyed..nyum nyumm..

On d way back had to rush to the bank.As I was going thru the TT form I realised I missed out some info.Rushed back to the office.Rushed down to RHB again.Xde company chop.Back to office again.Down to RHB,again..No foreign a/c no..Man!!I was about to collapsed.Thank god I brought down the invoice.Finally,it was all done with the help of Awie,the bank teller..

What a day.I couldnt say my life is boring with such "exciting" working-style..

A is for Adventurous
D is for Daredevil
R is for Rare
I is for Industrious
N is for Neglected
A is for Altruistic
A is for Active
M is for Moral
I is for Innocent
L is for Logical
What Does Your Name Mean?

People say that life is short.I would say it depends on how you live your life.So live life to the fullest!