Tuesday, June 28, 2005

English Genius..am I?!!

I have always loved my English lessons and the language(ok,ok..I can hear someone barfing and puking now).I really do.I guess due to the fact that deep down I know I can be proud of my firm grasp of the language.Back in school,it would be cool to be a Malay ,hanging out with my fellow mates from other races,yapping away in good English,with an accent (now that's a plus :-p).But,sadly my English took a downfall when I entered public uni and mixed around with more Malays.I'm not saying there aren't other English speaking Malays but the general scenerio in a public uni (well maybe my uni) is that,when you start to yapp and blabber in English,you'll be "awarded" with stares and sneers.To them,you are just"berlagak"(showing-off).I guess that explains the "low" quality of public uni graduates when it comes to conversing in English..(I can feel invisible daggers flying towards me as some of them read this).But "The poor grasp of English amongst IPTA graduates" subject is another topic to be discussed,at a later time (when I have enough examples and info)..

Naturally,my passion for the language explains my enthusiasm to take the English test created by
shortredhead78 .
Kudos to the creator for creating this test.I think some of us might just need some grammar check every now and then.I don't expect to get a perfect score but when the results was out,it did made me grin like Ceshire Cat.After all,to be declared an English Genius is a boost to my self esteem (even if it's only for English!At least I'm declared a genius by another,hehehe).I recommend that you take this test.Who knows?There might be a Shakespeare or John Grisham or Sophie Kinsella to be unearthed in you.After all,one needs a good grammar in order to write,rite?So,give it a shot peeps!!Take The Commonly Confused Words Test and get totally confused,hehehe..

A is for Adventurous
D is for Daredevil
R is for Rare
I is for Industrious
N is for Neglected
A is for Altruistic
A is for Active
M is for Moral
I is for Innocent
L is for Logical
What Does Your Name Mean?

People say that life is short.I would say it depends on how you live your life.So live life to the fullest!