Friday, October 07, 2005

..crazy as a rat..

..after enduring grueling hours from 9 to 4.30pm of reporting/bank reconciling,resume receptionist duties (my receptionist on maternity leave aleady) and running around like some mad woman in a bun and torquoise kebaya,finally i managed to catch my breath and relief myself to the ladies..

..that's how bad today was,is..whatever. so so back hurts,my feet are sore and im hungry.i was a near breakdown when my bank doesnt reconcile and million other stuff had to be done AT THE SAME TIME !!

..dah-laa.i wanna pack up.its almost tired..

..nice weekend y'all!!


Blogger Beer Brat said...

nice weekend to you too, arin.. :) and selamat berpuasa

11:07 PM  

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