Thursday, September 15, 2005

..i've been tagged!! dearestest ever dear friend,babed has tagged me on this.since i've had the honor to be tagged,thus i must comply to my tag-ged,here goes nothing!

20 years ago,1985
..i was 5 yrs old (yup,now u can know without guessing how OLD i am) and i first attended my mengaji class along with my cuzens,Nina&Jaja.we were taken under the "wings" of Arwah Tok Usop,who used to teach my mum and aunties back then.

..the memory is kinda vague for me.back then,me n my cuzens stayed at my nenek's house during the day where Atuk & Nenek will look after us lot with the help of the maid,K.Sonah.she was more like an elder sister than a maid as my grandparents treated her like family.but i can recall playing rounders in the field opposite my nenek's house (used to be a field,now they've build a row of shophouses) and climbing the "jambu" tree,playing tarzan and such.

..during raya,me and my cuzens would all sleepover at my grandparents' on raya eve and play "mercun & bunga api".on raya morning,our parents will come with our new baju & kasut raya.jolly good times it was!

10 years ago,1995

..i was was PMR and i felt like it was the end of the world..well almost.that was the year i first had a crush on a guy and i thot i've fallen in love.sigh..

..i was occupied with band and being the asst counselor.i had much2 fun despite the exam was my cheekiest and naughtiest year ever in n my partner-in-crime,juju.we did all sorts of nonsense.the 'chicken day' incident,the bon-jovi concert,midnite rondevous and loads more.(not the mention the "freeda asnan chase and hide&seek episode)..

..actually,i had a clear memory of my TKC days.guess there was a lot of good things happening during my 5 years there :-)

5 years ago,2000

..i was 20 yrs old,in my 2nd year of degree at a place i dont wish to remember.but since ive been tagged,thus i must comply.i didn't really like the course that i was doing but since my parents insisted that i stayed on,i dutily agreed.though i was depressed during my years in that uni..

..not a good memory.i wish i could erase that episode of my life.i was at my lowest point in life,i befriended some useless lots,did stupid stupid stuff.i wasnt even myself.i could even say that place brought out the worst in me..

3 years ago,2002

..i decided to salvage what's left of my yound,i took up a professional accounting was a step towards finding the real ME,finding the right path in life and making sure that i was in the right career path.

..and just as i was about to give up on love and mr right,love hits me hard without even me realizing it coming.and this time around,it was different.there's something magical and special 'bout him but i can't put my finger on it.we just seemed to compliment each others..erm "kekurangan" (i can't think of the english word for it).

a year ago,2004

..ive finally got my Certified Accounting Technician qualification and working towards Part 2 of my ACCA.i got a job with a software consultancy where i was privileged to work under a magnificent and helpful manager who teaches me alot and more like a mentor than a superior

..i've finally found my niche and i can see where my career path was heading to.

..still in the relationship and going strong,God Willing..

Present time,2005

..doing my ACCA course.

..very much content with my job (though i wouldn't mind a better offer,hehehe) the news from babed that she's got the job offer!yippie!that means she's back for good,insya-allah

..finally got my own very own asset!!

The coming year,2006

..hoping for a better remuneration in my job and to be given more challenges in my work tasks achieve the "healthy lifestyle" erm..aim

10 years from now,2015 be at a better career level with much MUCH better pay

..complete my ACCA plus having the affliations after my name

..married and with a lovely child (satu dulu-laa..ok-laa,maybe two) be able to support my brothers through school and uni


Blogger Beer Brat said...

Sorry Arin, you have been tagged again...... by me!! Hahaha. The infamous Seven meme.

10:54 AM  
Blogger Darius said...

hi, i like reading your posts.
just wanna say hi.
also have a blog up called AkuSuka Movie Reviews, come check it out if you got the time.

5:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5 years ago, 2000!
Aiyoo... every single thing in life happens for a reason. If you didn't go that godforsaken place, you wouldn't have met HIM kan? Am I right, or am I right?

12:49 PM  
Blogger Yam said...

Hehe.. 'to achieve the healthy lifestyle aim' ? Amender tu? LOLs..

4:46 PM  
Blogger ady-rynn said...

beer buddy,
sorry havent got the time to do it,yet..will do it.promise

thanx for the invi.will visit wen free :-)

ya betul!aku lupa plak..hehe..

my aim to achive the healthy lifestyle,hehe..grammar mistake :-P

5:53 PM  

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