Wednesday, December 14, 2005 FINALLY worked!!

..after almost a year of blogging (eyp,i didnt realize dat?!!),i can finally put an image to my post..
..well,for the first time ever on "wat a wonderful-ly dodol life"..i present to you...jeng!jeng!jeng!..ME..
..i dont know what i did to enable this "korok" PC of mine to actually able to allow blogger to upload my image,but whatever i did,im glad it worked,hehehe..
..nways,i actually wanted to update on my weekend-movie frenzy.i managed to talk my hunny into watching The Chronicles of Narnia with me,which in return id hafta watch The Fog (which wasnt that dissapointing).
..well,since i dah terra nk upload image,ill try to put some pics of the movie(s)..Next posting..the review...

A is for Adventurous
D is for Daredevil
R is for Rare
I is for Industrious
N is for Neglected
A is for Altruistic
A is for Active
M is for Moral
I is for Innocent
L is for Logical
What Does Your Name Mean?

People say that life is short.I would say it depends on how you live your life.So live life to the fullest!