Thursday, July 28, 2005

..MoNkEy-InG biznez,y'all..

..i planned to start my post for the day,much much earlier than now.unfortunately upon opening the "new post" page in blogger,i remembered that i need to update some stuff in the thing lead to another.finally,after finish savouring my 1st meal for the day,a healthy chicken mayo sandwich and a box of Nestle's Bonus soya bean drink with honeydew,i could finally write these words that you reading right now..

..i realised,being born in the monkey year i am somewhat "like a monkey".not literally speaking,OF COURSE but maybe the "nature" of a monkey..


..the above entry was my half way-thru-suddenly-got-stuff-to-do posting.after settling my task,i couldn't think of how to continue with my posting.i was gonna blog about monkeys,its nature and fables & myths related to this magnificent creature,LOL..but i was stuck.DEAD more ideas to blog.

..i wonder why i keep on getting this "writer's block" syndrome.once i asked Acat,from where did he get all the ideas to blog?'cause he's working,just like me.but whenever he has some time to steal,he can post say,2 entries per day..according to him,writing is like a therapy.a means of venting out some thoughts,ideas,feelings etc etc

..humh,interesting notion.but still it doesn't help me with my case..well,whatever..

..that made me think,what's my therapy?first thought that crossed my mind would be retail-therapy..i'm such a shop-a-holic!!

..there!i've confessed to the whole blog-a-sphere,what a spend-thrift i am..hahaha!whenever i have extra cash PLUS there is a sale going on,i would definitely buy something eventhough i don't really need it.but now,i have my hunny to restrain me from spending so much.whenever i grabbed something from a shop,he will asked me the magic question..

"do you really need this?if not,then let's just leave.."

..he's cruel you might say.but he's just being cruel to save my ass from being "pokai" come the middle of the month.but whenever i feel really down,i'll buy something anyway,just to cheer me up..without my hunny's knowledge,of course :-p

..but what relieves me the most,the time when i am most relaxed,is to cuddle up in my favourite chair with a good book in hand.i just LOVE books!eversince i could remember i've always had a book in my hand.and for most of my birthdays,i received books as gifts.during my youngster days,i spent most of my allowance on favourite series while in school was Sweet Valley Twins & Sweet Valley High.and i still have the whole series,kept somewhere,at the back of my bookshelf..

..but today would be my most relaxed & laid back "working day".im having my french fries,sitting crossed-leg in my big comfy chair,happily typing away.later this evening,i'll join my fellow collegues for archery at the Sunway Star Archery for our monthly ISS Rec Club activities..

..sigh..only one sentence to end this posting.."i just LOVE FrIDaY"..njoy your weekend peeps.see ya on Monday!!

A is for Adventurous
D is for Daredevil
R is for Rare
I is for Industrious
N is for Neglected
A is for Altruistic
A is for Active
M is for Moral
I is for Innocent
L is for Logical
What Does Your Name Mean?

People say that life is short.I would say it depends on how you live your life.So live life to the fullest!