Monday, October 10, 2005

..ramadhan and its lavish buffets..

..the first week of Ramadhan was a mixture of some "interesting" events (which i do not wish to disclose coz its too gruesome for me to describe,LOL) and some early shopping by yours truly ( i couldnt help myself! it was on sale!!)

..i came in this morning to be "welcomed" with a rather heart-stopping news from my manager about the accounts (but it was sorted out,thank god!). of 10am,i have been "booked" for 2 buka on the 15th wif my TKC gurls and on the 29th with my family and extended family.and i am KIV-ing 22nd in case my bf wants to go buka puasa with me (if not,i can still put in for others,hik! ).and that leaves me with the 30th - 1st which i plan to take my family out. this rate,i can very well say that i'm fully booked for the whole month!fuyoo! almost like menteri,man! LOL..

..but when it comes to breaking fast "outside",the main problem is where to eat.for me,its trying to find a place that can offer a good buffet but at an affordable rate.i've got 6 in the family and since im the one who's footing the bill,id hafta be "haji bakhil" a bit..hehehe.its not that my parents can pay for's juz that,the least i could offer for this ramadhan is a treat to "buka puasa di luar"..,im open for suggestion on buka puasa venues.any good places that you wanna recommend?drop me a line,okies?.

..till my next entry,jagalah pandangan,percakapan dan pendengaran anda..

A is for Adventurous
D is for Daredevil
R is for Rare
I is for Industrious
N is for Neglected
A is for Altruistic
A is for Active
M is for Moral
I is for Innocent
L is for Logical
What Does Your Name Mean?

People say that life is short.I would say it depends on how you live your life.So live life to the fullest!